New Patient Forms

If you are a first time or a returning patient, you can find links to certain forms you would receive in our office. You have the liberty to fill these out and email them to us or bring them on your first visit.
This information is required in order to obtain an appointment with Dr. Kandula. It provides us the necessary details that are needed for our office to conduct procedures as well as data on the medical care you’ve been given. It is important that this information be filled out and provided to our office prior to your initial visit.
All forms are in pdf format. Download a free pdf viewer here.
We will provide a receipt for you to submit to your insurance company, in order for you to be reimbursed. Cosmetic services will not be submitted to insurance and payment in full is excepted at the time of service.
Prescription Refills
For routine refills, phone your pharmacy several days ahead of time. If necessary, the pharmacy will call our office. All requests should be made during our regular office hours so that our staff may have the benefit of access to your medical records. Prescription refill requests cannot be filled after one year from your last visit.
Telephone Calls
Please call our office if you have any questions regarding your condition, medication, or treatment. Our staff is specifically trained to answer your questions, arrange prescription refills, etc. It would be unfair to other patients if the doctor were to disrupt treatment to answer every phone call. If your call requires that Dr. Kandula needs to speak with you, then the doctor will return you call at the earliest opportunity.
Download each SEPARATE form:
Download FULL packet: